[Davisgig] JULY 14th at 6:30 pm Davis Library - MC and 2 Volunteers needed

Robert Nickerson omrob at omsoft.com
Thu Jun 18 19:33:58 PDT 2015


So this is our first city wide outreach event. It will be well publicized.

It will feature 2 speakers, myself and I believe I have a great second 
speaker on board.

I will talk about what the DavisGIG project will do for the community. 
That covers, how the network will be approved, funded, and operate.
What it will do to support economic development, and how it will be good 
for the residents, as well as the city's revenues.

The other speaker will also talk about his exciting work.

So I'd like a comfortable public speaker to introduce us, and frame the 
session. Plus help facilitate question/answer.

Plus 2 other volunteers.

Someone to hand out fliers/sign up interested people to our website/take 
Someone to videotape it. We do have a camera available.

Don't everyone signup at once, but please - we do need help to pull this 
off, and make it a great event.

Rob Nickerson

Om Networks
UCD Class of 96
C: 530-848-3865

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