[Davisgig] Lunchtime talk about Municipal Fiber Deployments

Robert Nickerson rob at omsoft.com
Sat Aug 22 12:27:57 PDT 2015


We are  having Bruce Greene, a senior sales manager from fujitsu network 
communications come talk to our group.  FNC, a subsidiary of Japenesee 
elctronics giant, Fujitsu,  has spent the last decade
building out municipal-owned fiber optic networks. Fujitsu is one of the 
leading makers of the Optical Network Conentrators (ONC), the gear that 
sits in the centrall office or network exchange.
FNC builds and deploys these networks with their gear.

Their last project was Taos, New Mexico.


He is flying in  to talk to a small round table about their experiences, 
challenges, and otherwise building fiber networks out for cities.  He 
also provided me with a  generic proposal they have  to cities that he 
will base his talk around.

I can share a copy of the proposal if you are interested.

It is Friday Sept 4th from 11-1. There will be 8-10 people I think, 
pretty intimate, so a good chance for community leaders to talk directly 
with  someone who has worked directly in this area for some years.

I hope that 2-3 people from City of Davis will attend, if you want a
seat at the table, please email me ASAP.

Venue, TBD


Rob Nickerson

Om Networks
UCD Class of 96
C: 530-848-3865

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