Rally in Solidarity with Jerusalem this Friday May 14 at 5th & I Sts, Sacramento
palestinianrightssacregion at list.omsoft.com
palestinianrightssacregion at list.omsoft.com
Wed May 12 22:11:35 PDT 2021
● Friday, May 14, 2021 3:30pm: <https://fb.me/e/IyUA1kw7> Rally in
Solidarity with Jerusalem.
Demand an end to the illegal eviction of hundreds of Palestinians from their
homes in occupied East Jerusalem.
Federal Building, 501 I St, Sacramento. FMI: sacdemsforpalestine at gmail.com
● <https://secure.everyaction.com/1bUDFJrq_kWz5sjKEeyoPQ2> Tell Congress:
End U.S. complicity in Israel’s abuses of Palestinians (everyaction.com)
Palestinians <https://twitter.com/AdalahJustice/status/1391752088393117696>
from Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem to Lydd to Gaza are rising up against Israel's
continued ethnic cleansing and
-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution> apartheid in Palestine. As Israel
violently attacks Palestinians for resisting the oppression they have faced
for 73 years, the cruelty of its settler colonial regime is on full display
for the world to from deadly bombs raining down on Gaza to tear gas,
grenades, and raids on worshipers at the holy site of al-Aqsa Mosque.
<https://secure.everyaction.com/1bUDFJrq_kWz5sjKEeyoPQ2> Click to sign the
petition. The time to take action is now.
More Actions
●Tell Congress to protect Palestinian children.
Ask your representative to co-sponsor HR 2590 <https://nwttac.dci-palestine.
org/contact_your_lawmaker_about_hr_2590#/7/> , the "Defending the Human
Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military
Occupation Act," or the Palestinian Children and Families Act.
Introduced earlier this month by Rep. Betty McCollum, this bill seeks to
promote justice, equality and human rights for Palestinian children and
families by prohibiting Israeli authorities from using U.S. taxpayer funds
to detain and torture Palestinian children, demolish and seize Palestinian
homes, and further annex Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank.
Click to sign the petition. Also send your own message to
<https://matsui.house.gov/contact> Matsui,
<https://garamendi.house.gov/contact-me> Garamendi, <http://www.bera.house.
gov/contact> Bera or <http://www.house.gov> your representative asking them
to co-sponsor this important bill.
● Join New Democratic Club for Palestine
The Sacramento Democrats for Justice in Palestine (SDJP) club, a newly
formed entity affiliated with the Democratic Party of Sacramento County, is
looking to recruit more members. While the club charges a $12 membership
fee, it will gladly waive this fee for anyone that asks. This club, along
with others in California and across the country, can play a role in
ensuring the party continues to move toward supporting justice for
Palestine, but that only happens if we increase our membership in clubs like
To join, please click on the membership tab on the website and complete the
form <https://cadems4palestine.com/become-a-member> . This link
<https://cadems4palestine.com/our-work> will take you to our website so you
may read more about why we formed our club, the club’s policies, and its
bylaws <https://cadems4palestine.com/our-bylaws> . If you have any
questions, please email cyatooma7 at yahoo.com <mailto:cyatooma7 at yahoo.com>
● Sign the Petition to the ICC Office of the Prosecutor to Investigate War
Crimes by Israeli Military
● Sign the <https://secure.everyaction.com/wUAYmd6RzEacXxN3WQuYQQ2>
Petition to Stop Israel’s forced displacement of Palestinians from East
To subscribe or unsubscribe or for questions or to get involved, email
SacReg4PalestinianRights at gmail.com
<mailto:SacReg4PalestinianRights at gmail.com> . Visit www.Sac4Palestine.org
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