Palestine rights events this week in Sacramento

palestinianrightssacregion at palestinianrightssacregion at
Sun Mar 15 19:01:02 PDT 2015


Monday, March 16, 2015, 4 - 6pm, Annual vigil protesting the 2003 murder of
Rachel Corrie <> , who was killed by an Israeli
soldier while trying to protect Palestinian homes from illegal demolition.
Federal Building, 501 I St. Sacramento. FMI: 916-424-2350; j_colbe at

Tuesday, March 17, 2015, 4 - 6pm, Protest to demand an end to U.S. aid to
Israel <>  & boycott companies
aiding Israel's abuses <> .  16th & J,
Sacramento. 916-448-7157.

Sunday, March 22, 2015, 11:30am, High tech companies and technologies of
repression and control: from Pelican Bay to Palestine to Ferguson. Talk by
Dalit Baum, Pd.D, American Friends Service Committee’s Director of Economic
Activism, Jewish Israeli activist, and feminist scholar. Sacramento Friends
Meeting, 890 57th St, Sacramento. FMI: kristyup at pacbell



- Sign petitions for Palestinian Rights:

- Don <> ’t buy products or invest in
<>  companies that profit from Israel’s violations
of human rights and international law.  
Here is a partial list of products to boycott: Ahava, Ben & Jerry’s,
Caterpillar, Coca Cola, Dorot herbs,  Estee Lauder,  Glutino, Hewlett
Packard, Israeli CousCous, L’Oreal/Body Shop,  Motorola Solutions,  Nestlé,
Noat & Beauty Field shoes, Osem, Pampers, Pastures of Eden cheese, Sabra
Humus, Sara Lee, SodaStream, Teva, Victoria’s Secret , Yes to Carrots.

- Call Congress 202-224-3121 & President Obama
<>  202- 456-1111 and tell them you want
all U.S. aid to Israel ended until Israel complies with international law
and stops violating the rights of the Palestinian people.


Upcoming Events:


Film: Enduring Roots screening first week of April, details TBA


Protest the Israel’s lobby’s Celebration of Apartheid Israel, May 17, 1pm
Raley Field West Sacramento – details to follow


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