[Davisgig] Davis Community Building Workshop Survey

Jim Frame jhframe at dcn.org
Thu Aug 29 15:06:15 PDT 2019

Jon Li is working on a model of the Davis economy, and is collecting 
responses to a survey that he has designed.  The last question asks for 
an essay response to this question:

"Your vision of the future of Davis and your vision of your community: 
How Should Davis Evolve?"

For those who care to respond, this is an opportunity to further 
disseminate the benefits of a municipal broadband network.  The 
responses might reach an audience that doesn't have much awareness of 
the issue.

See attached.

Jim Frame                jhframe at dcn.org                 530.756.8584
Frame Surveying & Mapping         609 A Street        Davis, CA 95616
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