[Davisgig] 2016-03-23 BATF Meeting Notes

Jeff Mischkinsky jmischki at dcn.davis.ca.us
Wed Mar 23 21:49:35 PDT 2016

2016-03-23 BATF Meeting Notes
    These are MY PERSONAL INFORMAL notes from the meeting. The formal minutes will be posted on the city website:
      everyone gave a short intro on their background, goals, and interests
    Oath of Office
      I have now sworn to uphold the Constitutions of the US and CA (all 1000+ pages) and defend the country and state from all enemies, domestic and foreign. etc., etc.

    Agenda Approval

    Public Comment
      there were 4 observers

    Protocol/Meeting rules
        BATF members need to make sure that their discussions on the davisGIG listserve do not inadvertently constitute a non-public “meeting” as defined by the Brown Act. Practically this means that there probably won’t be a lot of discussion by many of the BATF members about formal BATF business on the list serve. 
(A “meeting” in this case is defined as 6 or more BATF members discussing a (BATF) topic on an email thread.)
NOTE: this doesn’t apply to non-BATF members, so feel free to comment away. 
NOTE: as the DavisGIG rep, i should be able to respond to comments/questions, as long as the other BATF members pretty much just lurk.

    Broadband Primer - Rob Nickerson
       DavisGIG background and high-level intro to internet and network architecture
       intro to how signals travel over the internet (OSI 7 layer mode), different broadband speeds, different technologies, etc.
          slides will be posted on http://cityofdavis.org/city-hall/commissions-and-committees/broadband-advisory-task-force in a few days

    Scope of Work
      a brief review of the scope of work (decided by the City Council) and
      topics for future agenda — comcast contract expiration, survey mechanics, feasibility study (possibly funded by dcn) 

    Selection of Chair/Vice-Chair
       chair - chris clements
       vice-chair - christine crawford

    Meeting Schedule
         wed nights were decided upon as the regular meeting night.
         There was a long debate and disagreement on what the meeting schedule should be.
         Several of us argued that there is some urgency in getting started and the group should meet twice/month. Some members didn’t have time to meet that often. I *think* (the vote was 5-4-1 and there was disagreement about whether a majority was 5-4 or whether abstentions count as a no and hence the decision was not passed) the decision was to meet once/month (4th wed) and have an extra meeting as needed.
         I *think* we voted to have an extra meeting on april 6, but it is not clear if there will be a quorum. If we meet, an agenda item will be discussion of a feasibility study. (I think this is the most important item from a DavisGIG perspective).


Jeff Mischkinsky
jmischki at dcn.davis.ca.us       +1 530-758-9850

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