[Davisgig] Important - Financial Estimates Required

Steve McMahon steve at dcn.org
Wed Sep 30 09:18:39 PDT 2015

I'd be using an estimate of 33% of homes/businesses taking up the fiber
does anyone think that number is out of line?

I would love to see us doing something like Google, which offers a free
(monthly) low-level tier for the cost of finalizing the connection. I also
think that would help justify the base buildout as something everyone pays

We wouldn't need it to be free, but that low tier should be very
inexpensive so that we can make progress on digital divide issues.

That should enhance the "take" rate, though the revenue from higher
bandwidth users would need to provide the payback and profit for the city.

Another argument for having everyone help pay for the base buildout: we're
likely to end up using this network for everything from water-meter reading
up. Not to mention the fact that it adds to the values of everyone's
property -- not just those who buy a gig.

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 8:54 PM, rob <rob at omsoft.com> wrote:

> More Meetings
> So Its time for another meeting with Diane Parro new CIO at the City, on
> Thur 10/8 at 8:30 AM at the Davis Makerspace. This meeting will take an
> hour and we will go over our estimate of costs involved in building out and
> running the network, as well as what kind of revenues the city could
> expect. Big Deal Meeting. This is an important meeting, we have to show
> this as a net benefit for the City to invest, and it will be our goalpost
> for costs going forward with the City process.
> It's important we provide good estimates, and that we present our opinions
> on why they are accurate and how this would work for the city. This will be
> the basis for costs they think of  from the initial staff report as it all
> gets knocked around at Council level.
> I've started to collect costs on equipment, and will also be able to put
> in the network operations labor side of things, plus the network hardware
> and Internet connections to the Data Centers.
> Meeting this Thursday 10/1/2015 at 10am  with Pacific Utility
> construction, located in woodland.  They are a local contact I have made
> that does conduit and fiber installs for the major carriers, and would love
> to sub bid out this job and keep our dollars in our county.
> My plan is to ask them how they would do this job, and get a ballpark
> estimate.
> Anyone that wants to come to one or both meetings drop me a line, I'd love
> other perspectives and effort from the community to make this happen. IT is
> a very important one.
> Also - I'll be putting what costs we have collected already on trello for
> others to check out. Presently this will be some figures on equipment, plus
> some labor operations costs omsoft will help put together, and an estimate
> on uptake.
> I'd be using an estimate of 33% of homes/businesses taking up the fiber
> network,
> does anyone think that number is out of line?
> Its still TBD if everyone in the city pays out on this, for the benefits,
> making it a 2/3 + 1 vote or only the 33% that we get as subscribers and
> their corresponding franchise or lease fees. That should et hashed out with
> a feasibility study report.
> Meeting at Sudwerk, Wed Oct 7th at 6:30pm
> Lawn signs are being printed.
> And a big thank you to Davis Media Access, as davisgig announcements are
> showing up on KDRT, 95.7fm.
> People are looking at our Facebook page a lot more, and its increasing
> awareness. Independent of that,  I tell someone new about it every day.
> Today was the Pastor of University Covenant Church. All they can get is 6
> Mbps ATT ADSL. They are STOKED about DavisGIG.
> So please if anyone wants to take on regularly updating the Facebook page
> and putting up content from twitter, and the mailing list that would be
> appreciated.
> Onward!
> Thanks
> RN
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