Take Action for Gaza this Thursday, August 11 & upcoming events

palestinianrightssacregion at list.omsoft.com palestinianrightssacregion at list.omsoft.com
Wed Aug 10 18:28:10 PDT 2022

Please join other Sacramentans at this online event for Gaza organized by
Jewish Voice for Peace, August 11, 2022, 1-1:30pm.


From: Jewish Voice for Peace
Date: August 9, 2022


Click to register
d=428532> .


People in Gaza are expressing fear that we're going to stop paying attention
because Israel isn't bombing right now, when they're still suffocating under
the siege, and Israeli violence is escalating in other parts of Palestine.
Let's make sure that isn't the case!


We're going to keep holding a 30-min virtual space to "Take Action Together
for Gaza" each day through Thursday, 1-1:30 PT / 4-4:30pm ET online.
d=428532> Register here and you'll receive a confirmation email this


On August 8 there were 200 people attending, and we'd made 500 congressional
offices hear from us by the end of the day -- so crucial. 


Quick links:

*          <https://act.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/a/22-08-nyt-gaza-truth>
Email the NY Times to demand proper coverage.

*          <http://jvpaction.org/gazaunderattack> Call your electeds using
this click-to-call tool & script.

<https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/2022/08/gaza-under-attack-toolkit> Here
is a Gaza Under Attack toolkit with messaging on this moment, Palestinian
accounts to amplify and ways to take action. 

*          <https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/2022/08/gaza-liberation/>
Here is JVP's statement.

Save the Date: Thursday, September 8, 2022: National Day of Action on No
Tech for Apartheid. <https://www.notechforapartheid.com/> 


Save the Date: Saturday, October 1, 2022: Gaza 5 run to support the work of
the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestinian refugees. Details
soon at www.Sac4Palestine.org <http://www.Sac4Palestine.org> 


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