Shine a Light on Gaza event July 3

palestinianrightssacregion at palestinianrightssacregion at
Mon Jun 26 19:31:52 PDT 2017

Please plan on attending and share this event with your lists:

Monday, July 3, 2017, 6 - 8pm, Shine a light on Gaza
ull%7D%22%7D%5d%2C%22has_source%22%3Atrue%7D> , a update on situation,
offering a tangible way to help ease the suffering of Gaza. Presented by
Rebuilding Alliance <>  Executive
Director, Donna Baranski-Walker and Penni Thorpe. First United Methodist
Church, 2100 J St. Sacramento. FMI: SabeelSacramento at 
Please share on facebook:

The Rebuilding Alliance folks will also be at this event as will Sacramento
Bethlehem Sister City:

Tuesday, July 4, 2017, 10am - 2pm, Sacramento Interdependence Day
<> , Southside Park, 2115 6th St, Sac,
celebrating equity and inclusion in the diversity of Sacramento. SacPeace
will also be saying farewell to our outgoing President, Maria Cornejo. Look
for our banner on the far side of the event. There will be food trucks or
bring your picnic lunch and lawn chairs. FMI: sacpeace at; 916-448-7157

Please join us for the 3rd Tuesday vigil for Palestinian rights:

Tuesday, July 18, 2017, 4 - 6pm, Monthly Vigil for Palestinian rights. End
U.S. aid to Israel. <>  &
Boycott companies aiding Israel's abuses <> .
Sign petitions for Palestinian rights <> .
16th & J, Sacramento. 916-448-7157.

This is the list serve of the Sacramento Regional Coalition for Palestinian
Rights and includes regional events and actions related to Palestinian
rights. To subscribe, unsubscribe or to submit an event or alert, email
SacReg4PalestinianRights at

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