Urgent: tell Congress Israeli settlements are illegal & attend 1/9/17 RT meeting

palestinianrightssacregion at list.omsoft.com palestinianrightssacregion at list.omsoft.com
Wed Jan 4 15:32:27 PST 2017

Tell Congress Israeli settlements are a violation of international law!

Contact your U.S. Representative <http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/>  right now and tell them to vote NO on House Resolution 11 <http://uscpr.org/campaigns/tell-congress-not-oppose-un-resolution-israeli-settlements/>  which provides political backing for Israel’s ongoing, illegal colonization of Palestinian land by objecting to the action taken last week at the United Nations in which the U.S. abstained from voting on UN Security Council Resolution 2334, reiterating the illegality of Israeli settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territory. The decision by the Obama administration to abstain allowed the resolution to pass.

Call the Congressional Switchboard, 202-224-3121, to be connected to any representative. The House is schedule to vote on this measure on Thursday, January 5 2017

Click here for more info. <http://uscpr.org/campaigns/tell-congress-not-oppose-un-resolution-israeli-settlements/> 


Tell Sacramento Regional Transit not to give preference to multinational corporations! <https://sacridehumandotorg.files.wordpress.com/2016/12/tell-sacramento-regional-transit-go-local-go-ethical-go-responsible.pdf> 


Attend the Monday, January 9, 2017, 6pm meeting of Sacramento Regional Transit, 1400 29th St (between N & O) and tell the board that local preference points should only be given to companies that are headquartered in the Sacramento Region, NOT to multinational corporations that have an office in Sacramento.


Multinational G4S, involved in human rights abuses around the world including in the U.S. and with the Israeli military, was given bonus points when it bid for (and got) RT’s private security contract in 2012 for being “local” because it has an office in Sacramento. No multinational corporation should be getting extra points just because they have a local office (which is required anyway for a private security company to get the bid).

Also, tell the RT Board not to prohibit advertising for the dissemination, debate, and/or discussion of public issues.  <http://iportal.sacrt.com/WebApps/SRTDBM/MeetingDocs/Archives/RT%20Board%20of%20Directors%20-%20November%2014,%202016%20-%20Agenda%20Item%2005%20-%20Revised%2011-10-16.pdf> RT is proposing to allow alcohol ads while it restricts ads that address public issues. 


Click here for more info and action. <https://sacridehumandotorg.files.wordpress.com/2016/12/tell-sacramento-regional-transit-go-local-go-ethical-go-responsible.pdf> 


Don’t Buy or Invest in Hewlett-Packard <https://sacbds.org/boycott-hewlett-packard/>  or other companies that profit <https://sacbds.org/products/>  from Israel’s brutal, deadly and illegal occupation of Palestine.


Hewlett-Packard (H-P) is among the world’s top military providers, specializing in technologies to control and monitor large populations, which it sells to prison authorities, immigration police, and military regimes.  
These H-P technologies help:

♦ Deport U.S. immigrants on a scale we have not seen before. 

 ♦ Deny Palestinians freedom of movement in the West Bank & Gaza. 

 ♦ Israel to maintain its brutal occupation, segregation & apartheid with H-P biometric IDs, retinal scanning & other products.
♦Track Americans held within the massive & discriminatory incarceration system.
♦ Limit human rights and civil rights, a threat to all of us.
  H-P also uses prison slave labor. 
For more info: www.SacBDS.org

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