Updated alert: Stop attacks on Palestinian rights activism - Stop AB 2844!

palestinianrightssacregion at list.omsoft.com palestinianrightssacregion at list.omsoft.com
Tue May 3 15:36:23 PDT 2016

    Protect free speech & economic activism: Help stop AB 2844! 
        (Updated 5-3-16 – click to link to this alert <https://sac4palestine.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/protect-free-speech-economic-activism-please-help-stop-ab-2844-may-3-20161.pdf> )

    CA Assembly bill AB 2844 <https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB2844>  attacks non-violent efforts to end Israel’s violations of international law and human rights including its occupation, illegal settlements, home demolitions, apartheid laws, and extrajudicial killings.  The bill will be heard by the Assembly Appropriations Committee possibly as early as May 11, 2016. 

    ► Please attend Tuesday, May 10, 2016, 12 noon News Conference opposing AB 2844 at the East Steps, State Capitol (back entrance), Sacramento.

     ► Please take Action now: Email and/or call your Assembly member & the Appropriations committee members and ask that they oppose AB 2844 and any other attempts to suppress economic or other non-violent activism that challenges the abuses of apartheid Israel.  Contact information is below.

Sample talking points

● AB 2844 violates the First Amendment of the Constitution.

● AB 2844 seeks to penalize companies who choose not to do business with Israel as a means of suppressing those who oppose the Israeli government’s well-documented abuses. It would deny businesses  the ability to make even economic decisions. In fact, the state of Illinois is now facing possible lawsuits from businesses due to similar legislation it has passed.

● Your state tax dollars should not be used to promote the Israeli government while it is engaged in egregious well-documented violations of human rights and international law. 

● California legislators need to be on the right side of history and not be bullied by the Israel lobby to defend Israel’s abuses. 

● Boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) are time-honored non-violent tactics that have been used by human rights advocates around the world to help bring about justice, including ending apartheid in South Africa and supporting the civil rights movement in this country. 

● Contrary to the claims of AB 2844’s author, Assemblymember Richard Bloom, the tactics of BDS are NOT being used to “attack Jews” or “destroy the state of Israel” – they are being employed by those supporting Palestinian human rights to end Israel’s abuses.

● AB 2844 is an attempt to silence those many Jews, including Jewish Voice for Peace, and many others who support using BDS as a tool to end Israel’s occupation and other violations of Palestinian rights.

Contact information:

 <http://apro.assembly.ca.gov/membersstaff> Members of the Appropriations Committee 

Address message to: Chair Lorena Gonzales  <mailto:assemblymember.gonzalez at assembly.ca.gov> assemblymember.gonzalez at assembly.ca.gov

Copy and paste these emails into your message:
 <mailto:assemblymember.bigelow at assembly.ca.gov> assemblymember.bigelow at assembly.ca.gov;  <mailto:assemblymember.bloom at assembly.ca.gov> assemblymember.bloom at assembly.ca.gov;  <mailto:assemblymember.bonilla at assembly.ca.gov> assemblymember.bonilla at assembly.ca.gov;  <mailto:assemblymember.bonta at assembly.ca.gov> assemblymember.bonta at assembly.ca.gov;  <mailto:assemblymember.calderon at assembly.ca.gov> assemblymember.calderon at assembly.ca.gov;  <mailto:assemblymember.chang at assembly.ca.gov> assemblymember.chang at assembly.ca.gov;  <mailto:assemblymember.daly at assembly.ca.gov> assemblymember.daly at assembly.ca.gov;  <mailto:assemblymember.Eggman at assembly.ca.gov> assemblymember.Eggman at assembly.ca.gov;  <mailto:assemblymember.gallagher at assembly.ca.gov> assemblymember.gallagher at assembly.ca.gov;  <mailto:assemblymember.eduardogarcia at assembly.ca.gov> assemblymember.eduardogarcia at assembly.ca.gov;  <mailto:assemblymember.hernandez at assembly.ca.gov> assemblymember.hernandez at assembly.ca.gov; assemblymember.holden at assembly.ca.gov;  <mailto:assemblymember.jones at assembly.ca.gov> assemblymember.jones at assembly.ca.gov;  <mailto:assemblymember.obernolte at assembly.ca.gov> assemblymember.obernolte at assembly.ca.gov;  <mailto:assemblymember.quirk at assembly.ca.gov> assemblymember.quirk at assembly.ca.gov;  <mailto:assemblymember.santiago at assembly.ca.gov> assemblymember.santiago at assembly.ca.gov;  <mailto:assemblymember.wagner at assembly.ca.gov> assemblymember.wagner at assembly.ca.gov;  <mailto:assemblymember.weber at assembly.ca.gov> assemblymember.weber at assembly.ca.gov;  <mailto:assemblymember.wood at assembly.ca.gov> assemblymember.wood at assembly.ca.gov

Copy and paste these staff emails into the cc: 

 <mailto:katie.masingale at asm.ca.gov;%20%20> katie.masingale at asm.ca.gov;   <mailto:guy.strahl at asm.ca.gov> guy.strahl at asm.ca.gov;  <mailto:sonja.palladino at asm.ca.gov;%20%20> sonja.palladino at asm.ca.gov;   <mailto:evan.corder at asm.ca.gov;%20%20> evan.corder at asm.ca.gov;   <mailto:ryan.pierini at asm.ca.gov;%20%20> ryan.pierini at asm.ca.gov;   <mailto:christopher.finarelli at asm.ca.gov> christopher.finarelli at asm.ca.gov;  <mailto:david.miller at asm.ca.gov> david.miller at asm.ca.gov;  <mailto:gustavo.media at asm.ca.gov> gustavo.media at asm.ca.gov;  <mailto:katja.townsend at asm.ca.gov> katja.townsend at asm.ca.gov;  <mailto:emmanuel.martinez at asm.ca.gov> emmanuel.martinez at asm.ca.gov;  <mailto:evan.mclaughlin at asm.ca.gov;%20%20> evan.mclaughlin at asm.ca.gov;   <mailto:erica.martinez at asm.ca.gov;%20%20> erica.martinez at asm.ca.gov;   <mailto:nicholas.liedtke at asm.ca.gov;%20%20> nicholas.liedtke at asm.ca.gov;   <mailto:ted.blanchard at asm.ca.gov;%20%20> ted.blanchard at asm.ca.gov;   <mailto:joshua.hoover at asm.ca.gov;%20%20> joshua.hoover at asm.ca.gov;   <mailto:tomasa.duenas at asm.ca.gov> tomasa.duenas at asm.ca.gov;  <mailto:jaspreet.johl at asm.ca.gov;%20%20> jaspreet.johl at asm.ca.gov;   <mailto:david.scheidt at asm.ca.gov;%20%20> david.scheidt at asm.ca.gov;  

 <mailto:crystal.quezada at asm.ca.gov> crystal.quezada at asm.ca.gov;  <mailto:tony.bui at asm.ca.gov> tony.bui at asm.ca.gov 

Phone numbers for Appropriations Committee members

 <http://asmdc.org/members/a80/> Lorena S. Gonzalez (Chair)  916-319-2080

 <http://assembly.ca.gov/a05> Frank Bigelow (Vice Chair)  916-319-2005

 <http://asmdc.org/members/a50> Richard Bloom (author AB 2844) 916-319-2050

 <http://asmdc.org/members/a14/> Susan A. Bonilla  916-319-2014

 <http://asmdc.org/members/a18> Rob Bonta  916-319-2018

 <http://asmdc.org/members/a57> Ian C. Calderon  916-319-2057

 <http://assembly.ca.gov/a55> Ling Ling Chang  916-319-2055

 <http://asmdc.org/members/a69> Tom Daly  916-319-2069

 <http://asmdc.org/members/a13> Susan Talamantes Eggman  916-319-2013

 <http://assembly.ca.gov/a03> James Gallagher  916-319-2003

 <http://asmdc.org/members/a56> Eduardo Garcia  916-319-2056

 <http://asmdc.org/members/a48> Roger Hernández  916-319-2048

 <http://asmdc.org/members/a41> Chris R. Holden  916-319-2041

 <http://assembly.ca.gov/a71> Brian W. Jones  916-319-2071

 <https://ad33.asmrc.org/> Jay Obernolte  916-319-2033

 <http://asmdc.org/members/a20> Bill Quirk  916-319-2020

 <http://asmdc.org/members/a53> Miguel Santiago  916-319-2053

 <http://assembly.ca.gov/a68> Donald P. Wagner  916-319-2068

 <http://asmdc.org/members/a79> Shirley N. Weber  916-319-2079

 <http://asmdc.org/members/a02> Jim Wood  916-319-2002

Contact YOUR Assembly member:  Click to find:  http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov
Here are emails for the Sacramento Area Assembly members: 
    Kevin McCarty Assemblymember.McCarty at assembly.ca.gov 
    Jim Cooper assemblymember.cooper at assembly.ca.gov 
    Ken Cooley assemblymember.cooley at assembly.ca.gov
    Bill Dodd assemblymember.Dodd at assembly.ca.gov
    Beth Gaines assemblymember.gaines at assembly.ca.gov

For more information: Sacramento at jvp.org; SabeelSacramento at gmail.com; 916-769-1641


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