3 things you can do this week for Palestinian rights, starting today!

palestinianrightssacregion at list.omsoft.com palestinianrightssacregion at list.omsoft.com
Tue Jul 28 13:46:41 PDT 2015

♦ Remind your electeds to Attend July 29 briefing on Gaza <http://www.adc.org/2015/07/join-adc-next-week-on-capitol-hill-for-a-congressional-briefing-gaza-one-year-later-the-quest-for-accountability/> 
Tomorrow, witnesses will share their harrowing pictures and stories from Israel’s attack on the Gaza Strip last summer on Capitol Hill and demand accountability. 
Please make sure that your Members of Congress and their staffers attend this briefing. Click to contact your Congressmembers <http://org.salsalabs.com/o/641/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=18146> 

♦ Help Stop Israel from destroying Palestinian homes & villages & Save Susiya
Contact: Sen. Dianne Feinstein <https://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/e-mail-me> , 202-224-3841, @SenFeinstein and Sen. Barbara Boxer <https://www.boxer.senate.gov/contact/shareyourviews.html> , 202-224-3553, @SenatorBoxer. Ask them to take action to stop the Israeli government from demolishing the Palestinian village of Susiya <http://www.btselem.org/savesusiya/english/> . They can call the Israeli embassy and Secretary of State John Kerry. Tell them you do not want your tax dollars funding Israel’s demolition of Palestinian homes or any other violation of Palestinian rights. FMI: SacReg4PalestinianRights at gmail.com

♦ Attend demonstration this Saturday, August 1, 2015:  Middle Eastern Lives Matter!
Rally to support Palestinian Rights, peace with Iran and an end to U.S. militarism in the Middle East.  
11am-1pm, Arden Fair Mall entrance at Heritage & Arden, Sacramento. 
FMI: SacramentoBDS at gmail.com and sac at answerCoalition.org

Every day Support Palestinian rights: don't buy products <http://www.sacbds.org/products>  from or invest in <http://www.wedivest.org/>  companies that support Israel’s occupation & apartheid and sign petitions for Palestine at: www.sacbds.org/petitions


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