AIPAC protest Jan 25, MLK march & other events & actions

palestinianrightssacregion at palestinianrightssacregion at
Sat Jan 17 14:43:38 PST 2015

Please come and spread the word about the annual AIPAC protest and other
events and actions, see below.

5.pdf> Protest AIPAC, the self-proclaimed Israel lobby at its annual
meeting: Sunday, Jan. 25, 2015 10:30am, Hyatt, 1209 L St Sacramento
dangerous> AIPAC coercively advocates for U.S. aid to support Israel's war
crimes, occupation, and apartheid. With its undue influence in our Congress,
AIPAC enables the Israeli regime to kill, injure, and torture Palestinian
men, women and children while Israel continues to steal Palestinian land &
water and destroy Palestinian homes, trees, lives, & livelihoods.  AIPAC
continues to push for war against Iran. 
FMI: SacReg4PalestinianRights at; Facebook

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, Jan 17, 2015, 7pm, An evening of Palestinian Folk Dance and Songs,
Crest Theater, 1014 K St. Sacramento. Adults $35, Students $25, children
under 12 free. FMI: 916-206-2049.

Monday, Jan 19, 2015,  <> Annual Sacramento Martin
Luther King Jr. March for the Dream. Extra mile march leaves 8:30am Oak Park
Community Center, 425 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Regular march leaves
9:30am Sacramento City College 3835 Freeport Blvd. Sac. March continues to
the Convention Center, 13th and K St. FMI: 916-426-4227. Peace & Justice,
End Police Brutality and Palestine rights contingents meets next to the Book
Store in the parking lot at Sac City College at 9am.

Tues, Jan 20, 2015, 4 - 6pm, 3rd Tuesday Vigil demanding an
<> end to U.S. aid to Israel &
boycotting companies aiding Israel's abuses <>
.  16th & J, Sacramento. 916-448-7157.

Take Action:

Tell Re/Max <>  to end its complicity
with Israel <> 's illegal settlements.
Sacramento Re/Max offices and agents have been contacted by the Sacramento
Regional Coaltion for Palestinian Rights to inform them that Re/Max Israel
is selling homes in illegal Israeli settlements. 

Don't buy Israeli products <>  or invest in
companies <>  that support Israel's  occupation and
other human rights abuses.

Sign petitions for Palestinian rights <> .

Join Sacramento BDS <>  in weekly bannering & leafleting
at local stores, public events and demonstrations to educated and mobilize
the public to participate in the global effort to boycott
<>  and divest <>  from
Israel's war crimes, occupation, apartheid and other violations of human
rights and international law.  For more information: sacramentobds at

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SacReg4PalestinianRights at

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