Boycott Israeli sportswashing - Tell the Kings no one wins with apartheid!

palestinianrightssacregion at palestinianrightssacregion at
Fri Oct 10 00:12:33 PDT 2014

Please click to sign and share the petition
to the Sacramento Kings:  Call foul on war crimes!  


The Kings are one of 6 U.S. & Canadian basketball teams involved in
exhibition games with Israeli teams this month. These games have been or are
being protested
reseason-protest>  in each of the five cities (Cleveland
<> , Brooklyn
<> , Washington DC
<> , Portland, Sacramento
and Toronto) because they are intended to divert attention from Israel's
very recent
20140911> war crimes in Gaza and its other human rights violations.


On Saturday, October 18, 2014, 5:45pm. Join the Sacramento protest and ask
the Kings to boycott Israeli sportswashing.  Sleep Train Arena, Exact
location TBA, Sacramento. FMI: SacramentoBDS at 


 <> Join or sponsor the Sacramento
Team for the 5 K Walk/Run for Gaza on Saturday, October 18, Lake Merced Park
near CSU San Francisco. Carpools from Sacramento:
SacReg4PalestinianRights at or dlmandel at


Upcoming events: 

Tuesday, Oct 21, 2014, 4 - 6pm, Protest U.S. Support for Israel's human
rights abuses. End the blockade of Gaza. 16th & J, Sacramento. FMI:
916-448-7157; sacpeace at


 Wednesday, Oct 22, 2104, 7pm, On the ground: Palestinian non-violent
popular resistance. Talk by Basim Tamimi
ion=create&source=49&sid_create=3391818668> , a leader of West Bank
villagers struggling to stop the theft of their land, water and future.
Chapel, First United Methodist Church, 2100 J St, Sacramento. Free,
donations welcome. FMI: SabeelSacramento at

Sunday, Nov 9, 2014, 12:30pm, Sacramento Bethlehem Sister City
<>  Celebrates 5 years in "sistership"
with Bethlehem, Palestine! Delicious Palestinian food; displays; and sales
of holiday crafts and olive oil. St John's Hall, Our Lady of the Assumption
Church, 5057 Cottage Way, Carmichael. FMI: SacramentoBethlehem at


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