Support church divestment from Israel's occupation & other actions & events

palestinianrightssacregion at palestinianrightssacregion at
Fri Jun 13 19:38:30 PDT 2014

This weekend, the Presbyterian Church USA will consider divestment from Israeli occupation at their annual conference: 


► Please <>  Sign the petition supporting the Presbyterian Church divesting from companies that participate in Israel’s occupation of Palestine including Caterpillar, Motorola, and Hewlett Packard.

   Petition direct link:

► Please also  <> Sign the petition asking Hewlett Packard to cancel its contracts with the Israeli government.

     Petition direct link:


► And please  <> Sign the petition asking the Rolling Stones to cancel their show in Tel Aviv.

     Petition direct link:


Please sign other petitions for Palestine at:


Upcoming events: 


Monday, June 23, 2014, 6:30pm, Fulfilling United Nations Resolutions in Israel/Palestine. Members of the Sacramento Regional Coalition for Palestinian Rights, including Jewish voice for Peace, will address the current situation and efforts to bring compliance with international law and human rights. Following the panel’s presentation, the audience will be invited to ask questions and engage in discussion. SMUD, 6301 S St, Sacramento. Hosted by Sacramento UNA Chapter <> . FMI: kate.unausa at

Thursday, June 26, 2014, 12 - 2pm, Myths & Realities Through Palestinian Eyes: Tarek Abuata, director Christian Peacemaker Teams, and Ghassan Tarazi, founding member Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace. Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, 2620 Capitol Ave., Sacramento. Lunch $5 (pre-order required) or bring your own. SabeelSacramento at


Saturday bannering & leafleting to boycott SodaStream continues this summer.  For locations and times:  SacramentoBDS at  Check out the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation’s new list of boycott SodaStream victories:



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