Protest AIPAC this Sunday, Jan 26 and other upcoming Palestinian rights events

palestinianrightssacregion at palestinianrightssacregion at
Tue Jan 21 20:13:57 PST 2014

►This Sunday, January 26, 2014, 10:30am: Protest the AIPAC Gala 
Sacramento Grand Ballroom, 629 J St, corner of 7th & J St, downtown Sacramento.
Banners and signs will be available.  AIPAC, <>  the self proclaimed Pro-Israel lobby, wants all of our electeds (federal, state and local) to be on board with their agenda. Tell your electeds <>  not to go to this event. 
FMI: SacReg4PalestinianRights at; 916-448-7157.

►This Saturday, Jan 25th, 2014, 4pm - An African Christian Perspective on Human Rights in Palestine with Rev. Lloyd Nyarota of Zimbabwe
United Methodist Center, 1276 Halyard Dr., West Sacramento, CA
As a human rights activist, Rev. Nyarota visited the Palestine’s occupied West Bank on behalf of United Methodist Kairos Response (UMKR).  Drawing on his advocacy for human rights in Africa, Rev Nyarota will address the parallels of the African and Palestinian struggles for human rights and need for the divestment movement in the United Methodist Church.
FMI:  <mailto:SabeelSacramento at> SabeelSacramento at;  <tel:916%20225-8511> 916 225-8511

►Take Action: Ask the Sacramento City Council to rebuke malicious and baseless charges that members of the Coalition “have a propensity to engage in violence against people or property”. This  <> accusation was made by the Chair of the Ashkelon Sister City Committee, who also is the President of the Jewish Federation of Sacramento – an organization which uncritically promotes Israel and its policies. Contact Mayor and City Council at:  <>   <> Click for more info.

► Saturdays in February join Sacramento BDS in boycott SodaStream bannering and leafleting, email  <mailto:Sacramentobds at> Sacramentobds at for more info.

► Sunday, Feb 9, 2014, 2:30pm - Film:  <> Al Helm: MLK in Palestine.
The Guild Theater, 2828 35th St., Sacramento.
An American gospel choir and playwright join Palestinian actors and director in an evolving piece about MLK’s life that teaches them about each other’s struggle for freedom. Connie Field, the film’s award winning director will answer questions and lead discussion after the screening. Donations appreciated. 
FMI: 530-868-6587; sacramento at

►Friday, Feb 21, 7pm -  <> Stories of Palestinian Diaspora. 
Personal testimony and video footage of the historical and personal experiences of Palestinians in the context of their flight and forced displacement from their homeland since 1948 - until their eventual establishment of residence in the Bay Area. in California through digital video. Part of the Oral Histories Project of 12 Palestinians in the Bay Area.
First United Methodist Church, 2100 J St. Sacramento.
FMI:  <mailto:SabeelSacramento at> SabeelSacramento at

►Thursday, Feb 27, 7pm - Robotic Killing: U.S. and Israeli Drones attacks against civilians. 
Talk by  <> Col. Ann Wright, who has been engaged in drone resistance in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Gaza. In 2013, she spoke on U.S. foreign policy issues in Turkey, Egypt, Ireland, Belgium, China, Japan and Korea. 
First United Methodist Church, 2100 J Street, Sacramento.
Hosted by Friends of Sabeel Sacramento Region. 
FMI: sacpeace at; 916-448-7157
Col. Wright will also be speaking in Marysville on 2/24 and in Grass Valley on 2/26, see  <> for details.

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