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<div>Here's the side-by-side attachment I referenced below.<br></div><div><br></div>
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<div style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;color:#26282a;">
On Tuesday, March 26, 2019, 10:46:12 PM PDT, Matthews Williams <mattwill@pacbell.net> wrote:
<div><div id="ydp636a60d1yiv8918249448"><div><div class="ydp636a60d1yiv8918249448ydpf25d7171yahoo-style-wrap" style="font-family:Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;"><div></div>
<div>Jim, attached is a side-by-side comparison of (1) the revised proposed contract, (2) the original proposed contract, and (3) the questions/issues from the BATF Subcommittee report contained in the packet. It lays out very clearly both the changes in the contract language (very minimal) as well as all the questions issues that were raised in the February 27th BATF meeting by the Task Force members and the public. <br clear="none"></div><div><br clear="none"></div><div>The language issue you illuminate is real, but that issue pales when compared to the substantial process issues illuminated in the Subcommittee report. I had a meeting with the City Finance Director this morning, and he confirmed that to date no financial analysis of any broadband proposal has been performed by anyone in the Finance Department. That lack of a financial analysis is the first of seven (7) documented issues with the February 5th Staff report, and eleven (11) documented issues with the original proposed contract. None of those eighteen (18) substantial documented issues have been addressed by the process to date.</div><div><br clear="none"></div><div>I strongly suggest that public comment should support the recommendation of the Subcommittee report, which is as follows:</div><blockquote><blockquote><div><span></span><p class="ydp636a60d1yiv8918249448ydpf647749eMsoNormal"><font size="3" face="bookman old style, new york, times, serif"><span>The BATF Subcommittee
recommends that the BATF adopt the following or a similar motion to the City
Council at its March 27, 2019 meeting: </span></font></p><font size="3" face="bookman old style, new york, times, serif">
</font><p class="ydp636a60d1yiv8918249448ydpf647749eMsoNormal" style="margin-left:.25in;"><font size="3" face="bookman old style, new york, times, serif"><i><span>“The
BATF recommends that the City Council defer action on Staff’s proposed Astound
contract and direct Staff to work with the BATF or a designated subcommittee
thereof to, at a minimum: </span></i></font></p><font size="3" face="bookman old style, new york, times, serif">
</font><p class="ydp636a60d1yiv8918249448ydpf647749eMsoNormal" style="margin-left:.5in;"><font size="3" face="bookman old style, new york, times, serif"><i><span>“(1)
Have the City Finance Director perform a detailed financial analysis of the
proposed Astound contract; </span></i></font></p><font size="3" face="bookman old style, new york, times, serif">
</font><p class="ydp636a60d1yiv8918249448ydpf647749eMsoNormal" style="margin-left:.5in;"><font size="3" face="bookman old style, new york, times, serif"><i><span>“(2)
Assess the potential impacts of the proposed Astound contract on the viability
of and support for a City-owned broadband network that can serve all Davis
residents and businesses; <span> </span></span></i></font></p><font size="3" face="bookman old style, new york, times, serif">
</font><p class="ydp636a60d1yiv8918249448ydpf647749eMsoNormal" style="margin-left:.5in;"><font size="3" face="bookman old style, new york, times, serif"><i><span>“(3)
Identify and comparatively assess alternatives, including an option whereby the
City owns and controls all fiber capacity in City conduit and leases shares of
capacity on an open-access basis to third-party ISPs and content providers; </span></i></font></p><font size="3" face="bookman old style, new york, times, serif">
</font><p class="ydp636a60d1yiv8918249448ydpf647749eMsoNormal" style="margin-left:.5in;"><font size="3" face="bookman old style, new york, times, serif"><i><span>“(4)
Since the Comcast contract has expired, determine the amount of costs or fees
the City could face for continuing to use the existing Comcast fiber until an
alternative can be implemented; and</span></i></font></p><font size="3" face="bookman old style, new york, times, serif">
</font><p class="ydp636a60d1yiv8918249448ydpf647749eMsoNormal" style="margin-left:.5in;"><font size="3" face="bookman old style, new york, times, serif"><i><span>“(5)
Examine the terms of </span>the recently expired Comcast contract to determine
what legal rights Comcast has to continue to use the City conduit and what
fair-market fees the City could be receiving from Comcast for such use.<span> <br clear="none"></span></i></font></p><font size="3" face="bookman old style, new york, times, serif"><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span></font><span><font size="3" face="bookman old style, new york, times, serif">
</font></span><p class="ydp636a60d1yiv8918249448ydpf647749eMsoNormal" style="margin-left:.25in;"><font size="3" face="bookman old style, new york, times, serif"><i><span>“The
BATF also recommends that the City Council direct Staff to consult with the
BATF and provide an opportunity for a BATF recommendation to City Council prior
to bringing the proposed or a revised Astound contract or an alternative to
City Council for approval.”</span></i></font></p><font size="3" face="bookman old style, new york, times, serif">
</font><p class="ydp636a60d1yiv8918249448ydpf647749eMsoNormal"><font size="3" face="bookman old style, new york, times, serif"><span>The BATF Subcommittee also recommends that
the BATF extend the charge of this subcommittee for the purpose of
collaborating with City Staff on the above items. </span></font></p>
<br clear="none"></div></blockquote></blockquote><div><br clear="none"></div><div><br clear="none"></div>
</div><div class="ydp636a60d1yiv8918249448yqt2320646704" id="ydp636a60d1yiv8918249448yqt75424"><div class="ydp636a60d1yiv8918249448ydpcbee6b42yahoo_quoted" id="ydp636a60d1yiv8918249448ydpcbee6b42yahoo_quoted_4575488652">
<div style="font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;color:#26282a;">
On Tuesday, March 26, 2019, 10:13:47 PM PDT, Jim Frame <jhframe@dcn.org> wrote:
<div><br clear="none"></div>
<div><br clear="none"></div>
<div><div dir="ltr">The most significant change that I see to the agreement is in §4.1, <br clear="none">which allows the city to make use of innerducts not used by Wave. <br clear="none">However, we don't know what percentage (if any) of the city conduit is <br clear="none">so divided, and if Wave were to request use of all the innerducts <br clear="none">there'd be none left for the city or others to use. This change is <br clear="none">wholly inadequate and does nothing to change the inherently unfair <br clear="none">nature of the agreement.<br clear="none"><br clear="none">On 3/26/2019 9:30 PM, Douglas A. Walter wrote:<br clear="none">> Did everybody see the two PDF docs from the BATF that Rob shared? I'm <br clear="none">> still trying to digest them, but based on what we've previously <br clear="none">> discussed, here is my suggested letter/message text:<br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> If you are willing to take a moment to contact the Broadband Advisory <br clear="none">> Task Force as part of public comment to their meeting tomorrow night, <br clear="none">> please write to:<br clear="none">> Broadband Advisory Task Force chair:<br clear="none">> Chris Clements <<a shape="rect" href="mailto:clements@ucdavis.edu" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">clements@ucdavis.edu</a> <mailto:<a shape="rect" href="mailto:clements@ucdavis.edu" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">clements@ucdavis.edu</a>>><br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> City staff to Broadband Advisory Task Force:<br clear="none">> Diane Parro <<a shape="rect" href="mailto:dparro@cityofdavis.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">dparro@cityofdavis.org</a> <mailto:<a shape="rect" href="mailto:dparro@cityofdavis.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">dparro@cityofdavis.org</a>>><br clear="none">> Sarah Worley <<a shape="rect" href="mailto:sworley@cityofdavis.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">sworley@cityofdavis.org</a> <mailto:<a shape="rect" href="mailto:sworley@cityofdavis.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">sworley@cityofdavis.org</a>>><br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> City Clerk:<br clear="none">> Zoe Mirabile <<a shape="rect" href="mailto:zmirabile@cityofdavis.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">zmirabile@cityofdavis.org</a> <mailto:<a shape="rect" href="mailto:zmirabile@cityofdavis.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">zmirabile@cityofdavis.org</a>>><br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> Feel free to tag a City Council member's FB page if you do so.<br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> Sample letter:<br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> Hi,<br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> I am concerned about news that the City of Davis may invite a major <br clear="none">> private carrier to install fiber optic infrastructure using City-owned <br clear="none">> conduit as a start to their system. I am against giving away <br clear="none">> infrastructure we own without assessing how much it is worth! I would <br clear="none">> prefer to see the Broadband Advisory Task Force recommend that the City <br clear="none">> continue exploring the proposal developed by your subcommittee.<br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> It would:<br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> * Provide the city with its own broadband resources<br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> * Allow competition to develop<br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> * Guarantee privacy in Internet connections for business and homes<br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> * Give our schools, city, and public facilities internet access for a <br clear="none">> one time cost<br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> There are no guarantees that a major carrier will honor privacy, net <br clear="none">> neutrality or address issues from the digital divide. Please do not <br clear="none">> derail a process that could result in a municipal or cooperative <br clear="none">> ownership of a City-wide gigabit fiber network!<br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> Thanks,<br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> Your Name Here<br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> On Mar 26, 2019, at 8:01 PM, "Douglas A. Walter" <<a shape="rect" href="mailto:dawalter@dcn.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">dawalter@dcn.org</a> <br clear="none">> <mailto:<a shape="rect" href="mailto:dawalter@dcn.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">dawalter@dcn.org</a>>> wrote:<br clear="none">> <br clear="none">>> Hi, and thank you for putting that out, John. Rob didn't mention that <br clear="none">>> the meeting on 3/27 is a Broadband Advisory Task Force meeting. For <br clear="none">>> the moment, makes sure that you address the people I'm pasting into <br clear="none">>> your template: the Task Force Chair and the City staff working on <br clear="none">>> this. It is also not the case that there's "a proposal developed by <br clear="none">>> DavisGIG," while there have been substantive discussions on a BATF <br clear="none">>> subcommittee. I guess the current agenda isn't taking the report from <br clear="none">>> that group into account before endorsing the give-away proposal?<br clear="none">>><br clear="none">>> On Mar 26, 2019, at 5:29 PM, John Steggall <<a shape="rect" href="mailto:steggall@dcn.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">steggall@dcn.org</a> <br clear="none">>> <mailto:<a shape="rect" href="mailto:steggall@dcn.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">steggall@dcn.org</a>>> wrote:<br clear="none">>><br clear="none">>>> RAN, et al.,<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> How is this for a template to write to the city and UCD?<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> =-=-=<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>> Broadband Advisory Task Force chair:<br clear="none">>><br clear="none">>> Chris Clements <<a shape="rect" href="mailto:clements@ucdavis.edu" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">clements@ucdavis.edu</a> <mailto:<a shape="rect" href="mailto:clements@ucdavis.edu" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">clements@ucdavis.edu</a>>><br clear="none">>><br clear="none">>><br clear="none">>> City staff to Broadband Advisory Task Force:<br clear="none">>><br clear="none">>> Diane Parro <<a shape="rect" href="mailto:dparro@cityofdavis.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">dparro@cityofdavis.org</a> <mailto:<a shape="rect" href="mailto:dparro@cityofdavis.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">dparro@cityofdavis.org</a>>><br clear="none">>><br clear="none">>> Sarah Worley <<a shape="rect" href="mailto:sworley@cityofdavis.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">sworley@cityofdavis.org</a> <mailto:<a shape="rect" href="mailto:sworley@cityofdavis.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">sworley@cityofdavis.org</a>>><br clear="none">>><br clear="none">>><br clear="none">>> City Clerk:<br clear="none">>><br clear="none">>> Zoe Mirabile <<a shape="rect" href="mailto:zmirabile@cityofdavis.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">zmirabile@cityofdavis.org</a> <br clear="none">>> <mailto:<a shape="rect" href="mailto:zmirabile@cityofdavis.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">zmirabile@cityofdavis.org</a>>><br clear="none">>><br clear="none">>><br clear="none">>>> Hi,<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> I am concerned about news that the City of Davis may invite a major <br clear="none">>>> private carrier to install fiber optic infrastructure in the city. I <br clear="none">>>> am against this and would prefer to see the city continue exploring a <br clear="none">>>> proposal developed by the Broadband Advisory Task Force subcommittee <br clear="none">>>> which would:<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> * Provide the city with its own broadband resources<br clear="none">>>> * Stimulate competition<br clear="none">>>> * Guarantee private internet connections for business and homes<br clear="none">>>> * Give our school, city, and public facilities internet access for a <br clear="none">>>> one time cost<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> There are no guarantees that a major carrier will honor privacy, net <br clear="none">>>> neutrality or the digital divide. Please do not derail the DavisGIG <br clear="none">>>> process!<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> Thanks,<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> Your Name Here<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> =-=-=<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 16:40:13 -0700<br clear="none">>>> From: Robert Nickerson <<a shape="rect" href="mailto:rob@omsoft.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">rob@omsoft.com</a> <mailto:<a shape="rect" href="mailto:rob@omsoft.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">rob@omsoft.com</a>>><br clear="none">>>> To: Davis gig <<a shape="rect" href="mailto:davisgig@list.omsoft.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">davisgig@list.omsoft.com</a> <br clear="none">>>> <mailto:<a shape="rect" href="mailto:davisgig@list.omsoft.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">davisgig@list.omsoft.com</a>>><br clear="none">>>> Subject: [Davisgig] DavisGIG is on the ropes and is about to be<br clear="none">>>> knocked out at the next meeting TOMORROW NIGHT 3/27 6:30 pm city<br clear="none">>>> chambers<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> Hi All<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> Specifically, some City Staff have invited a MAJOR private Fiber carrier<br clear="none">>>> into town, and giving them free use of city conduit to build out in<br clear="none">>>> exchange? for 12 fibers between some city buildings. . the justification<br clear="none">>>> is comcast will start charging now that the inet is overand the comcast<br clear="none">>>> franchise is expired. This will serve as a basis for a residential build<br clear="none">>>> out by wave, generating another physical monopoly on internet, the fiber<br clear="none">>>> based kind. Comcast has a cable infrastructure monopoly, att has a phone<br clear="none">>>> one.<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> This does not pump broadband money back into the city.<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> this does not provide lower pricing through competition.<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> This does not allow business and homes to be securely and privately<br clear="none">>>> connected<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> this does not give our major School, City, and Public facilities<br clear="none">>>> Internet access for a one time cost.<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> It does not allow for an entrprenuer to come along and sell a new<br clear="none">>>> product to our marketplace.<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> this does not see to privacy, net neutrality or digital divide.<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> Check out this video from a company that makes a software product that<br clear="none">>>> could be one of the ones to run our network.<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> <a shape="rect" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC-eqnU_eL8" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC-eqnU_eL8</a><br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> In Ammon Id right now, 100 MBps is $10 per month. Why ? Competition on a<br clear="none">>>> municipal owned fiber plant.<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> This does not do anything innovative or interesting with a Davis fiber<br clear="none">>>> ecosystem, as it will be under lock and key. Dont get me wrong, I'm<br clear="none">>>> happy to have wave come and? compete on community owned fiber, and<br clear="none">>>> others of course as well .just? Not on an exclusive basis. Once this is<br clear="none">>>> done, there is no other physical infrastructure coming that replaces<br clear="none">>>> fiber. once fiber is built out with a private company, its just all<br clear="none">>>> locked up with them.<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> This meeting is the MOST IMPORTANT MEETING of this entire process. If<br clear="none">>>> you still care or do care about making thi, please come and give a<br clear="none">>>> public comment. Or mail one to<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> <a shape="rect" href="mailto:sworley@cityofdavis.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">sworley@cityofdavis.org</a> <mailto:<a shape="rect" href="mailto:sworley@cityofdavis.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">sworley@cityofdavis.org</a>> and <br clear="none">>>> <a shape="rect" href="mailto:clements@ucdavis.edu" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">clements@ucdavis.edu</a> <mailto:<a shape="rect" href="mailto:clements@ucdavis.edu" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">clements@ucdavis.edu</a>><br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> Make no mistake, if this is allowed to proceed, DavisGIG, a community<br clear="none">>>> fiber plant that could unleash all sorts of good things, is dead.<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> Sorry to be grim, but that is what is going on.<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> Thanks<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> RAN<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> -- <br clear="none">>>> Robert Nickerson<br clear="none">>>> UCD Class of 1996<br clear="none">>>> CEO, Om Networks<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> cell: 5308483865<br clear="none">>>> www.omsoft.com <<a shape="rect" href="http://www.omsoft.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.omsoft.com</a>><br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> _______________________________________________<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> Please ref our wiki for details, documents and contacts:<br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> <a shape="rect" href="http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~help/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=start" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~help/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=start</a><br clear="none">>>><br clear="none">>>> Davisgig mailing list<br clear="none">>>> <a shape="rect" href="mailto:Davisgig@list.omsoft.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Davisgig@list.omsoft.com</a><br clear="none">>>> <a shape="rect" href="http://list.omsoft.com/mailman/listinfo/davisgig" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://list.omsoft.com/mailman/listinfo/davisgig</a><br clear="none">>><br clear="none">>> Doug Walter (home account)<br clear="none">>> <a shape="rect" href="mailto:dawalter@dcn.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">dawalter@dcn.org</a> <mailto:<a shape="rect" href="mailto:dawalter@dcn.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">dawalter@dcn.org</a>><br clear="none">>> "Wag more, bark less"<br clear="none">>><br clear="none">>> _______________________________________________<br clear="none">>><br clear="none">>> Please ref our wiki for details, documents and contacts:<br clear="none">>><br clear="none">>> <a shape="rect" href="http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~help/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=start" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~help/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=start</a><br clear="none">>><br clear="none">>> Davisgig mailing list<br clear="none">>> <a shape="rect" href="mailto:Davisgig@list.omsoft.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Davisgig@list.omsoft.com</a><br clear="none">>> <a shape="rect" href="http://list.omsoft.com/mailman/listinfo/davisgig" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://list.omsoft.com/mailman/listinfo/davisgig</a><br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> Doug Walter (home account)<br clear="none">> <a shape="rect" href="mailto:dawalter@dcn.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">dawalter@dcn.org</a> <mailto:<a shape="rect" href="mailto:dawalter@dcn.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">dawalter@dcn.org</a>><br clear="none">> "Wag more, bark less"<br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> _______________________________________________<br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> Please ref our wiki for details, documents and contacts:<br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> <a shape="rect" href="http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~help/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=start" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~help/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=start</a><br clear="none">> <br clear="none">> Davisgig mailing list<br clear="none">> <a shape="rect" href="mailto:Davisgig@list.omsoft.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Davisgig@list.omsoft.com</a><br clear="none">> <a shape="rect" href="http://list.omsoft.com/mailman/listinfo/davisgig" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://list.omsoft.com/mailman/listinfo/davisgig</a><br clear="none">> <br clear="none"><br clear="none">-- <br clear="none">---------------------------------------------------------------------<br clear="none">Jim Frame <a shape="rect" href="mailto:jhframe@dcn.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">jhframe@dcn.org</a> 530.756.8584<br clear="none">Frame Surveying & Mapping 609 A Street Davis, CA 95616<br clear="none">-----------------------< Davis Community Network >-------------------<div class="ydp636a60d1yiv8918249448ydpcbee6b42yqt3396788133" id="ydp636a60d1yiv8918249448ydpcbee6b42yqtfd05720"><br clear="none">_______________________________________________<br clear="none"><br clear="none">Please ref our wiki for details, documents and contacts:<br clear="none"><br clear="none"><a shape="rect" href="http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~help/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=start" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~help/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=start</a><br clear="none"><br clear="none">Davisgig mailing list<br clear="none"><a shape="rect" href="mailto:Davisgig@list.omsoft.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Davisgig@list.omsoft.com</a><br clear="none"><a shape="rect" href="http://list.omsoft.com/mailman/listinfo/davisgig" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://list.omsoft.com/mailman/listinfo/davisgig</a></div></div></div>