[Davisgig] PLEASE READ Documents to City Council
rob at omsoft.com
Thu May 30 20:27:32 PDT 2019
Hi All
The Op Ed is done and was sent off this afternoon to the DE, thanks to
some excellent edits, and input from members of the list. I sent our
ring design principles doc to the folks at the Davisite, lets hope they
publish it at some point. Is it gauche to send the same op ed to
multiple outlets? like the Vanguard as well as the DE?
I'll plan on sending what I have done of the business plan/spreadsheet
by the latest early Saturday AM to the City Council, senior staff, etc.
Welcome any help with either of those documents.
There should be a cover letter that goes with 2 PDFs of the biz
I have enough material to send something repackaged, but I'd like to
give a chance for some of the members of the list, who came in those
meetings in 2015, and later, and have helped along since, to share a
sentence or paragraph or two as to why you think this is important.
Alternately, just send your own letter on the topic or make a public
comment on the item at the 6/4 meeting.
Cover Letter:
Tomorrow I'll send out a blurb to go out our announce list, and to Next
Door etc, so please share.
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