[Davisgig] [Davisgig-announce] Links to Documents for BROADBAND ADVISORY TASK FORCE MEETING

Matthews Williams mattwill at pacbell.net
Wed Mar 27 17:09:41 PDT 2019

 I believe what Brandon has asked in bold is an open question.  That question will be very actively part of the Task Force discussion tonight.  The following recommended motion was prepared by the BATF subcommittee (Jeff Mischkinsky, Lorenzo Kristov and myself, with help from three other citizens/experts).

The BATF Subcommitteerecommends that the BATF adopt the following or a similar motion to the CityCouncil at its March 27, 2019 meeting: 

“TheBATF recommends that the City Council defer action on Staff’s proposed Astoundcontract and direct Staff to work with the BATF or a designated subcommitteethereof to, at a minimum: 

“(1)Have the City Finance Director perform a detailed financial analysis of theproposed Astound contract; 

“(2)Assess the potential impacts of the proposed Astound contract on the viabilityof and support for a City-owned broadband network that can serve all Davisresidents and businesses;  

“(3)Identify and comparatively assess alternatives, including an option whereby theCity owns and controls all fiber capacity in City conduit and leases shares ofcapacity on an open-access basis to third-party ISPs and content providers; 

“(4)Since the Comcast contract has expired, determine the amount of costs or feesthe City could face for continuing to use the existing Comcast fiber until analternative can be implemented; and

“(5)Examine the terms of the recently expired Comcast contract to determinewhat legal rights Comcast has to continue to use the City conduit and whatfair-market fees the City could be receiving from Comcast for such use. 

“TheBATF also recommends that the City Council direct Staff to consult with theBATF and provide an opportunity for a BATF recommendation to City Council priorto bringing the proposed or a revised Astound contract or an alternative toCity Council for approval.”

The BATF Subcommittee also recommends thatthe BATF extend the charge of this subcommittee for the purpose ofcollaborating with City Staff on the above items. 

    On Wednesday, March 27, 2019, 3:31:03 PM PDT, Brandon Merritt <merrittb7 at gmail.com> wrote:  
 Gotcha, thanks for providing this info. So, do we know which council meeting staff is planning on taking this agreement as an agenda item?
On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 3:29 PM Matthews Williams <mattwill at pacbell.net> wrote:

 Brandon, here's some additional depth now that I have access to my laptop rather than my phone.  The attached pdf shows the contract side by side with the issues the BATF raised both in the February 27th meeting and in the subcommittee report.  You can see from the issues/questions in the right-most column that none of the eighteen (18) issues raised either with the staff report or with specific provisions of the proposed contract are addressed.  18 unaddressed issues is why I say the contract as proposed is fatally flawed.

    On Wednesday, March 27, 2019, 2:30:56 PM PDT, Matt Williams <mattwill at pacbell.net> wrote:  
 Brandon, the subcommittee report addresses that possibility.  The process has so many fatal flaws that adjusting contract language is putting lipstick on a pig.

Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 26, 2019, at 9:25 PM, Brandon Merritt <merrittb7 at gmail.com> wrote:

Are there other alternatives we can suggest that can be added to the agreement, such as requiring open-access to the fiber in case other companies want to enter into the local market?
On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 8:41 PM Omsoft Systems Administration via Davisgig-announce <davisgig-announce at list.davisgig.org> wrote:

Hi All

I tried to send you the two proposals that are going tomorrow, but it 
looks like or list manager software dropped them. I edited some 
settings, and we will see if they are included. If not, here are the 
URLS. Finally the competing good proposal you want to support is the one 
by the BATF subcommittee

City Staff 

BATF Subcommittee


-Also if anyone has any questions about the location it is at

City Hall
23 Russell Blvd
Community Chambers Meeting Room
Next to where city council meetings are held

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