[Davisgig] [Davisgig-announce] DavisGIG is on the ropes and is about to be knocked out at the next meeting TOMORROW NIGHT 3/27 6:30 pm city chambers

Mike michaelduey at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 21:35:33 PDT 2019

I would be glad to send an email to the addresses listed.  Can you please
provide some sample text that i might use?  Not enough time to study
proposal right now.


On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 5:20 PM Omsoft Systems Administration via
Davisgig-announce <davisgig-announce at list.davisgig.org> wrote:

> Hi All
> Specifically, some City Staff have invited a MAJOR private Fiber carrier
> into town, and giving them free use of city conduit to build out in
> exchange  for 12 fibers between some city buildings. . the justification
> is comcast will start charging now that the inet is overand the comcast
> franchise is expired. This will serve as a basis for a residential build
> out by wave, generating another physical monopoly on internet, the fiber
> based kind. Comcast has a cable infrastructure monopoly, att has a phone
> one.
> This does not pump broadband money back into the city.
> this does not provide lower pricing through competition.
> This does not allow business and homes to be securely and privately
> connected
> this does not give our major School, City, and Public facilities
> Internet access for a one time cost.
> It does not allow for an entrepreneur to come along and sell a new
> product to our marketplace.
> this does not see to privacy, net neutrality or digital divide.
> Check out this video from a company that makes a software product that
> could be one of the ones to run our network.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC-eqnU_eL8
> In Ammon Id right now, 100 MBps is $10 per month. Why ? Competition on a
> municipal owned fiber plant.
> This does not do anything innovative or interesting with a Davis fiber
> ecosystem, as it will be under lock and key. Don't get me wrong, I'm
> happy to have wave come and  compete on community owned fiber, and
> others of course as well .just  Not on an exclusive basis. Once this is
> done, there is no other physical infrastructure coming that replaces
> fiber. once fiber is built out with a private company, its just all
> locked up with them.
> This meeting is the MOST IMPORTANT MEETING of this entire process. If
> you still care or do care about making this, please come and give a
> public comment. Or mail one to
> sworley at cityofdavis.org and clements at ucdavis.edu
> Make no mistake, if this is allowed to proceed, DavisGIG, a community
> fiber plant that could unleash all sorts of good things, is dead.
> Sorry to be grim, but that is what is going on.
> Thanks
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