[Davisgig] Broadband Communities Summit

Steve McMahon steve at dcn.org
Mon Mar 13 16:05:33 PDT 2017

Hi DavisGig folks,

The 2017  <http://www.bbcmag.com/2017s/>Broadband
<http://www.bbcmag.com/2017s/> Communities Summit
<http://www.bbcmag.com/2017s/>will be held in Dallas from May 1 to 4. It's
generally a good event for learning more about the national scene and for
making contacts with other communities interested in municipal fiber.

Last year DavisGig helped send Rob Nickerson to the event. This year we
might be able to subsidize one or two attendees. The subsidy will probably
cover registration.

If you're interested in attending as a representative of DavisGig, please
let the Davis Community Network board <board at dcn.org> know by this Friday.
Just drop a note to tell us why you're interested and if you'd need
financial help to attend. Decisions on this will likely be made at the
Davis Community Network Board meeting, next Tuesday at 5:15pm at the Davis
Makerspace. (All DavisGig volunteers and other broadband activists are
always welcome at DCN meetings. Just drop Rob or me a note and we'll send
meeting details.)

Best wishes, Steve McMahon
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