[Davisgig] Important - Financial Estimates Required

Chris Nicolini chris.nicolini at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 11:11:53 PDT 2015


Thank you for taking the time to advance this important project, I very
much appreciate all of your hard work!

I live in Davis, and would love to help out with creating a viable
alternative to the dismal ISP options available in my neighborhood.

I'd like to help with regular updates and getting the word out about
DavisGig - and with updating content, etc. - if you still need assistance.
I currently handle all digital communications for the College of
Agriculture and Environmental Sciences at UC Davis, which involves just
about anything related to content - especially social media and web news.
In November, I am starting in a new position that oversees social media for
the entire university, where I'll be responsible for the day-to-day
management of the social media channels for UC Davis. You can learn more
about my experience and background here <http://bit.ly/AboutChris>.

Feel free to email or call me sometime this week when you have a moment if
you'd like to talk.

Thanks again for all of your work on this project!

Chris Nicolini

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 8:54 PM, rob <rob at omsoft.com> wrote:

> More Meetings
> So Its time for another meeting with Diane Parro new CIO at the City, on
> Thur 10/8 at 8:30 AM at the Davis Makerspace. This meeting will take an
> hour and we will go over our estimate of costs involved in building out and
> running the network, as well as what kind of revenues the city could
> expect. Big Deal Meeting. This is an important meeting, we have to show
> this as a net benefit for the City to invest, and it will be our goalpost
> for costs going forward with the City process.
> It's important we provide good estimates, and that we present our opinions
> on why they are accurate and how this would work for the city. This will be
> the basis for costs they think of  from the initial staff report as it all
> gets knocked around at Council level.
> I've started to collect costs on equipment, and will also be able to put
> in the network operations labor side of things, plus the network hardware
> and Internet connections to the Data Centers.
> Meeting this Thursday 10/1/2015 at 10am  with Pacific Utility
> construction, located in woodland.  They are a local contact I have made
> that does conduit and fiber installs for the major carriers, and would love
> to sub bid out this job and keep our dollars in our county.
> My plan is to ask them how they would do this job, and get a ballpark
> estimate.
> Anyone that wants to come to one or both meetings drop me a line, I'd love
> other perspectives and effort from the community to make this happen. IT is
> a very important one.
> Also - I'll be putting what costs we have collected already on trello for
> others to check out. Presently this will be some figures on equipment, plus
> some labor operations costs omsoft will help put together, and an estimate
> on uptake.
> I'd be using an estimate of 33% of homes/businesses taking up the fiber
> network,
> does anyone think that number is out of line?
> Its still TBD if everyone in the city pays out on this, for the benefits,
> making it a 2/3 + 1 vote or only the 33% that we get as subscribers and
> their corresponding franchise or lease fees. That should et hashed out with
> a feasibility study report.
> Meeting at Sudwerk, Wed Oct 7th at 6:30pm
> Lawn signs are being printed.
> And a big thank you to Davis Media Access, as davisgig announcements are
> showing up on KDRT, 95.7fm.
> People are looking at our Facebook page a lot more, and its increasing
> awareness. Independent of that,  I tell someone new about it every day.
> Today was the Pastor of University Covenant Church. All they can get is 6
> Mbps ATT ADSL. They are STOKED about DavisGIG.
> So please if anyone wants to take on regularly updating the Facebook page
> and putting up content from twitter, and the mailing list that would be
> appreciated.
> Onward!
> Thanks
> RN
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