[Davisgig] Davis GiG Logo

Paul pbiddle at omsoft.com
Thu May 14 11:59:20 PDT 2015

 From the list of samples I prefer the one with red in it.

> So we are sending this out to you all to get advice on the colors.
> Personally my pref is to go with the pallete from UCD, or DHS (which 
> our website has I guess) 

UCD provides a webpage with a list of colors they use: 

Adobe has a tool they used to call Kuler (color ruler) which can assist 
in finding complementary colors: http://color.adobe.com

Using UCD Blue in Kuler gives something like this:

On 5/14/2015 11:16 AM, Robert Nickerson wrote:
> Hi Folks
> Attached is our new logo.
> This will be on a variety of materials.
> Quickly though on
> 1) Vinyl banner for tabling
> 2) Handouts
> 3) Stickers
> THANK YOU to everyone that helped make it happen.
> Again, another item needed for this effort
>  provided by locals,  to help make this happen.
> Specifically Davis based designer Samantha Almaguer 
> <https://www.behance.net/Samaelle>,
> So we are sending this out to you all to get advice on the colors.
> Personally my pref is to go with the pallete from UCD, or DHS (which 
> our website has I guess)
> Anyone have strong opinions one way or another?
> Thanks
> -- 
> Rob Nickerson
> Om Networks
> UCD Class of 96
> C: 530-848-3865
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