[Davisgig] Update

Ted Swift tjswift at omsoft.com
Fri Feb 13 22:54:48 PST 2015

At 10:02 PM -0800 2/13/15, Jim Frame wrote:
>On 2/13/2015 3:11 PM, Robert Nickerson wrote:
>>So what is the word for feeling bittersweet about the beautiful weather
>Shadenfreude (n):  knowing that we need rain really badly while 
>totally appreciating the need to seek shade due to the warm sunny 

That's the word I thought of, too. But (and I presume you're jesting) 
I figured shadenfreude didn't quite fit: it's "the pleasure one takes 
in another's discomfort". This bittersweet feeling is more like 
"guilty pleasure": We know we need to eat our vegetables (get lots of 
rain), but we're eating the ice cream sundae (enjoy the beautiful 
weather). But I'm sure there's a good word in another language...
Ted Swift, Ph.D.      "The boundary is the best place to gain knowledge"
tjswift at omsoft.com                  -Paul Tillich

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