[Davisgig] Minutes of 08.05 Meeting + Trello

Robert Nickerson rob at omsoft.com
Wed Aug 12 12:45:04 PDT 2015

Hi All

We had a good meeting last week, with a lot of new faces. Hopefully we 
see some more of them going forward.

Please see the last general meeting minutes here:

Also  Please check out Trello, a distributed organizational tool. Big 
thanks to Todd K for getting it setup with
most of the tasks we presently have before it.

Tasks are on individual cards, which are then grouped on to boards. A 
board covers a general subject area. Check it out! Claim a task and help 
us get this project done.
Add a new board or cards for other tasks you know need doing, but you 
don't see on a good card.

Everyone can see what has been done on a particular task, when you put 
some notes on it as to what you have done

Should be good, right?

Ok everyone let's get to work...


Rob Nickerson

Om Networks
UCD Class of 96
C: 530-848-3865

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